Thursday, June 02, 2005


I write and write and feel the ideas and words jumping out of my head. Ideas are faster than my handwriting. It's that old feeling… that urge I know that makes me get out of the bed from under the covers in the middle of a cold night to get a pen and a paper and to start writing… writing with no pause, with no breaks, no thinking, just writing. And then, after I finish writing, I feel so relieved and go to bed again feeling happiness and satisfaction. Did I change the world? Did I change even MY world? Did I put a smile on a child's face? Did I give a helping hand to an old woman? Did I listen to a violenced woman? No. But I feel that I did all this when I wrote down those words. I changed my life… no I changed the world, because before writing those words, they weren't there, they were just ideas, thoughts flying in the air. Now they are here, now they are real. They are a mirror. A mirror of me, of myself, of my ideas on a piece of paper. They are a confession, an opinion, a belief, my belief, my belief in life, love, religion, my country, my dreams, my wishes, thoughts, traditions, my society, my concepts, my objections, my commitments, my rules, my favorites, my hates and loves, my memories, my experience, my history, my present and future, my everything. It's basically me.


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