Sunday, July 05, 2009

The trees far away & my smoking ladybird

I ride my bike and travel around the small streets and the universe. I see the sun shining behind the trees and I am glad I brought my hat with me. Sometimes you bring stuff with you “just incase” but the case never occurs. Even if you are waiting for the slightest excuse to interpret it as “the case”, but then you feel stupid pretending this to be “the case”, because it’s obviously not. Between here and the trees over there it might take me 2 hours and 33 minutes. Naa, lets say 3 hours and 79 minutes. Well, there is no 79. They are watching I know, and they are probably much developed than we are, but maybe not. I wrote the cards and looked out of the window and thought deeply about them, and told them that I am waiting for them, and I am ready to meet them, and want to meet them, but they never came. I crave for that cigarette, but can’t think about that now. I am supposedly a non-smoker and I am very proud of myself…most of the time. At other times I ask myself: Why the fuck did I quit smoking?!! Those situations are usually something like this: I am standing among 30 or more people who are all smoking. As simple as that.
I love those mushrooms and wish I can find more ladybirds among the freshly washed cloths like it used to happen to us when I was a little girl. I loved to have them walk around my fingers, then my hand, then my arm, and then I bring them back out of the window and set them free. They say they bring luck, but they used to bring me happiness…..but doesn’t the fact that I found a lot of them make me lucky?

Sure I am ;).


Blogger Mariana Duarte Silva said...

You're not a very consistent poster i have to say. Why the 2&1/2 break between posts? ;)
Miss you Susu, hope you're well.

3:26 PM  
Blogger Mariana Duarte Silva said...

Can't believe you quit smoking. Me too! Feel miserable ;)

3:28 PM  

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