No time for love.
Everything so hectic. 24 hours seem not enough. 7 days are few. 2 days weekend are not available. I miss you and can’t seem to find you. We meet on higher grounds or on lower ones, and both are not real. I look at you, but you don’t see me. Things on your mind make you go away while you’re sitting next to me. I remember the telepathy between us long time ago, but now so far away. Our minds don’t meet, our eyes don’t look at eachother, and our bodies are close yet far away. I long to the days when we had nothing on our minds. When the next months weren’t planned, and when today was what really mattered. Between smoke and tension nothing seems normal anymore. We’ve got life on our mind all the time, yet we don’t have time to enjoy it. You smile, but behind your smile I see you drifting somewhere else. Believe it or not I think this thing is not brining us any closer. Yet to gain the fruit of the effort, one has to wait and be patient. Why do you not see me? Why does space and time bring us far from eachother? Can I bring the vibe again? Can I bring the smile from inside you rather than the fake one outside? Where is the love? Where is the care? Everyone so self-centered, everyone self-absorbed. Memories are all that’s left, yet we wish to re-live them again. Hope is all that’s left for me. But if lost, life is not worth living.